I love you because God loves you

I love you because God loves you,

For every baby who never got to see her mother’s love
For every unborn beauty who’s life was snuffed out
For every little one that never felt their father’s warm embrace
For every single innocent baby that never got to grow up and experience God’s plan
I want you to know something:

I love you because God loves you,

I, as a survivor of the abortion holocaust love you
I, as a survivor of the abortion holocaust wouldn’t have allowed you to be killed
I, as a survivor of the abortion holocaust, promise to you and all to-be conceived babies this:


I would have gladly raised you and loved you
I would have gone great lengths to ensure your were born
I am sorry dear babies, for the hatred of those who fight to keep this killing legal,
I am sorry innocent ones that your Mommy didn’t want you
But know this: God wanted you and loved you before you were born

I love you because God loves you

I will make it not only my job to save you and your kin, but my responsibility
I am so sorry that the church sleeps in passiveness while you’re being killed
I am so sorry, that no one would stood up for your beautiful innocence
If I had been there, I would have saved you dear babies

I love you because God loves you

I promise to put all of me into keeping you from being murdered,
I promise to wake up the church to see you as God sees you
I promise to fight for your dear lives with all my heart
I will pray for you, fight for you, and love you

I love you because God loves you